Over the years I have been involved in a number of successful bids for arts funding for the commissioning of new music and arts projects. While there is a generous pool of money available for the funding of this sort of artistic endeavour, it has a tendency to go to professional organisations who have the in-house skills to write compelling arts funding bids, and who have the time and resources to collect together all the supporting information needed for a good quality application. Professional groups also have the experience and skill to write ‘funder-friendly’ proposals, highlighting the aspects of their bid most likely to appeal to the arts funding body.
Amateur groups tend not to have these skills or resources, and are therefore missing out on a great deal of potential funding. In April 2014, out of forty-nine grants given by the PRS for Music Foundation, only one went to an amateur group. I and a few like minded colleagues with similar skills are seeking to change this – we are working with Brass Bands England to offer a consultancy service to any amateur music group seeking to make an arts funding application. We can advise on which funds to apply for, when to apply, how much money to apply for and most importantly how to structure your bid so that it appeals to the funders. We can even help you to manage your project, dealing with budgets, finance and logistics to leave you free to make music.
Get in touch to find out how your organisation can benefit from arts funding bid advice.